Protect Yourself from Eye Injuries
Eyesight threats can be found anywhere. From perspiring to being involved in emergency situations, the eyes are a lot more sensitive than most believe. Situations involving smoke, heat, dust, fumes, and airborne chemicals, as well as machine work, can put your eyes at high risk for injury and damage.
Unprotected exposure in the above situations and many others could result in consequences ranging from mild eye discomfort to serious and permanent eye damage. Symptoms could include blurred or impaired vision, pain, dry eye, eye strain, burning, itchy or watery eyes, eye diseases and serious physical injury. Symptoms may be mild, temporarily disorienting, or they could result in permanent eye damage and eyesight loss. Eyesight is so valuable that it pays to educate yourself about eye care and practice good eye health on a daily basis.
Even though it may seem impossible to protect yourself from every situation where your eyes may be damaged, there are many preventative measures you can take.
Before engaging in an activity where eye injuries could occur, be aware of high risk situations, have a predetermined emergency first aid plan for eye and other injuries, follow good safety precautions and procedures, and have emergency first aid materials available.
The best way to prevent eye injuries, especially from foreign objects and harmful substances, is to wear protective eye wear when in potentially dangerous situations. Another very important measure is to keep your eyes hydrated by drinking plenty of water and using an all natural eyemist. If eye discomfort should become extreme, in almost any circumstance, irrigate the affected eyes with a sterile eye wash spray such as Bio Med Wash or find the nearest eyewash station.
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