New Research on Computer Eye Fatigue and Dry Eye -Education on Apple iTunes and World Talk Radio
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - October 25, 2011
Rogue Media

New Research on Computer Eye Fatigue and Dry Eye Education on Apple iTunes
and World Talk Radio

Sharon Kleyne, Internet Radio Talk Show host and Nature's Tears® EyeMist® Inventor, Interviews Leading Experts about Computer Eye Fatigue and Dry Eye

Computers and Other Electronic Devices Can Affect Eye Health and Lead to Serious Dry Eye Symptoms and Blindness

Global computer eye fatigue education.

Computer eye fatigue (also called "computer eye strain," "computer vision syndrome," "CVS" and "computer dry eye") is a frequent topic on the Sharon Kleyne Hour Power of Water Internet radio talk show. If no steps are taken to alleviate the problem, according to Sharon Kleyne, computer eye fatigue can lead to severe dry eye symptoms and unhealthy productivity. Statistics show that up to 20% of worker productivity is lost each year. Computers are an increasing cause of disability and a major public health crisis.

"New research is enabling us to proactively prevent computer eye fatigue and dry eye symptoms," says Mrs. Kleyne. "Nearly all eye care experts agree on the importance of education and proactive protection."

Mrs. Kleyne's personal mission is to provide that education.

Her syndicated talk show, the Sharon Kleyne Hour Power of Water, is broadcast on Internet radio to millions of computer users worldwide. The show may be heard live or in podcast on World Talk Radio, Voice America, Green Talk Network and Apple iTunes.

Nature's Tears EyeMist, Sharon Kleyne's breakthrough product to naturally humidify dry and fatigued eyes, is available on under "Computer Accessories."

Following material is a compilation of computer eye fatigue and dry eye information from Sharon Kleyne Hour Power of Water guests, including Marguerite McDonald, MD (interviewed 6-1-09); Robert Latkany, MD (10-8-07 and 7-30-07); Larry Wan, MD (9-14-09), Orbis International (2-11-08), InfantSee (4-28-08), Rebecca Petris (6-27-11), Maya Dolena (7-24-07), Ijose Adetutu (11-9-09) and Marge Wingler (3-19-07).

Computers are dehydrating.

Extended computer use can definitely cause computer eye fatigue. For some people, using a computer for only two hours a day may cause symptoms of computer eye fatigue. If you use a computer all day at work and again when you go home, the risk could increase exponentially. Computer eye fatigue symptoms include sleepiness, itching and burning eyes, light sensitivity, blurred vision, frequent headaches, increased allergies and increased anxiety or stress.

These are also symptoms of a disease called "dry eye syndrome." Using a computer dries out your eyes and stresses the tiny ciliary muscles in your iris. Just staring at the bright light of a computer screen can cause tear film dehydration. Eyes also lose water because working at a computer without occasional breaks can cause the eyes' reflexive "blink rate" to drop dramatically (from 30 times a minute down to five).

Office environments with forced-air heating and cooling, fluorescent lighting and insulated walls and windows also contribute to dry eye and eye fatigue. Other contributing factors include not drinking enough water, poor diet and nutrition choices, and too much sugar (Lorraine Day, MD, another Sharon Kleyne Hour Power of Water guest, advocates a vegan diet for eye health).

Ignoring these symptoms can lead to chronic dry eye disease, occupational health problems including ability to work at a computer, corneal ulceration, permanent visual impairment. The best prevention for computer eye strain and dry eye is education to become proactive in improving eye health and lowering risk.

Minimizing or preventing computer eye fatigue.

For a comprehensive list of tips on proactive steps to minimize or prevent dry eye, computer eye strain and computer eye fatigue, and to discover more about the water in your tear film, go to

Nature's Tears EyeMist.

The only all-natural pH balanced water mist application designed especially to soothe dry eye and computer eye fatigue is Sharon Kleyne's product, Nature's Tears EyeMist, which sponsors the Sharon Kleyne Hour Power of Water. Nature's Tears EyeMist is available on under "Computer Accessories."

Sharon Kleyne Hour Power of Water.

Listen to the Sharon Kleyne Hour Power of Water Mondays, 10 a.m., PST/PDT. The syndicated talk radio show is heard on Voice America/World Talk Radio, Green Talk Network and Apple iTunes. Go to for written summaries and replays of past shows. Also visit,, "Nature's Tears EyeMist" on Facebook and "Bio-Logic Aqua" on Twitter.

© 2011 Bio-Logic Aqua Research